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Holiday Survival Supplement Guide: Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s that special time of year again when you get to spend ‘quality time’ with your family and friends. Just the thought of this special time of year and I start ordering my personal supply of supplements that help me survive the holidays. Below, I’ve outlined a few of my favorite formulas that help support healthy cortisol levels.
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Fast-Food Breakfast & Leaky Gut

The other morning I was stuck in traffic and as I inched closer to see what the problem was, I noticed there was a line of cars trying to go through a packed drive-through at a local fast food restaurant. Some people honked at the irritation of the stopped traffic but I just wanted to scream, “Save Your Pancreas!”
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Meals to Improve Mental Health

Most Americans are in the habit of consuming fried food, prepackaged meals, and sugary beverages. Unfortunately, these foods are highly processed, pro-inflammatory, and put you at a higher risk for developing mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.
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New Ways to Eat Your Veggies!

It's no secret that vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Most of us could use a few more vegetables in our day. In fact, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) tells us only 1 out of 10 adults consume the recommended amount of vegetables. This is causing a lack of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in the diet…

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Getting Started on a Mediterranean Diet Plan

To celebrate the Mediterranean diet month this May, let’s discuss the many benefits that come along with the Mediterranean way of life. The Mediterranean diet is based on the eating habits of the people living in the many different countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea; however, it is not just for the Mediterranean population. Health benefits have been seen in many different…

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Why Anti-Supplement Blogging Makes Great Clickbait

  Let's Face It: Much of what you see on your news feed is clickbait, designed to get your click so the poster gets paid. Each of us is more likely to “click” if an emotion is triggered. Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Hope, Joy – these are what titles and opening photos are designed to do. Agree with me so far?…

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Happy Garden Month

Growing Nutrition Happy garden month! April is a great time to gather your vegetable seeds, till up some dirt, and start growing your own health! Whether you choose to start a large vegetable garden, a kitchen garden, or keep it simple with container gardening, each can provide many health benefits. Gardening has been associated with improved mood, stress reduction, improved…

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Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Dairy, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, root vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish can all be fermented. Fermented foods are considered functional foods, which deliver many health benefits. Because microbial fermentation results in functional microorganisms, which are able to reach the gastrointestinal tract, the fermented foods become more nutritionally rich. This process increases vitamin content and antioxidant activity and enhances good bacteria in…

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Pomegranate And Chili Dark Chocolate Crunch

Valentine’s Day Chili Chocolate Treats

Spice up this Valentine’s Day with some Chili Chocolate treats! These chocolates may be tiny, but they are mighty powerful against fighting chronic disease and cell damage. Naturally occurring antioxidants from chili powder and cinnamon add a flavor twist to these Valentine’s chocolates. These spices, plus the dark chocolate and pomegranate seeds provide you with a burst of powerful antioxidants…

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How Do We Create Health?

How Do We Create Health?

If you’ve been keeping up with David Haase, MD, you’ll know that he has made a career out of asking better questions. For decades, he’s guided patients toward meaningful health outcomes by getting them to ask questions like: What is the root cause of my symptoms? What current beliefs are holding me back? What do I need to live for?
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